Topics worked on 2016

Archived, copied from

  • -> plone5 (peter)
  • going through ticket merge translations into Done for plone.formwidget.recurrence, plone.formwidget.namedfile,  plone.formwidget.datetime (staeff) 
  • bring back jenkins node4 (gforcada)
  • update jenkins jobs here and there, create a Zope tab for ZODB, ZTK, Zope and CMF tests. Highly untested (gforcada)
  • work on integrating collective.indexing on existing packages (gforcada and mrtango)
  • work on bringing latest zope packages in (Zope 4) (thet and pbauer) PLIP:
  • get rid of CMFQuickInstaller (mauritsvanrees)
  • investigate and document how to do deprecation warnings (jensens and dataflake)
  • work on improving PAS (jensens and dataflake)
  • look at Python 3 status (blocked by RestrictedPython, AcccessControl and zope.untrustedpython) (pumukel)
  • look for an update path in RestrictedPython (pumukel)
  • look at AccessControl and zope.untrustedpython as well (depends both on RestrictedPython) (pumukel)
  • remove/investigate usage of collective.monkeypatcher in core packages (fredvd and staeff)
  • try to bump zope.testrunner to the latest release (do3cc)
  • make some documentation about test isolation problems (do3cc)
  • compile the list of packages that have test isolation problems (do3cc)
  • create helper methods on to throw exceptions if commits are done on integration tests (do3cc)
  • create jenkins jobs for PLIP cfg files (gforcada)
  • create a jenkins job template to run code analysis on specific distributions that report back to github (gforcada)
  • work on porting Products.EasyNewsletter to Plone 4 and 5 (peter, mrtango and fredvd) 
  • some improvements on zest.releaser (mauritsvanrees)
  • look for apartments/hotels for Boston (all)
  • discuss about make the conference more approachable (all lead by fredvd)
  • cleanup the PAS-story in Plone: Move plugins/features from Products.PlonePAS down to Products.PluggableAuthService and up to Products.CMFPlone. This resulted in PLIP 1334
  • pull request for z3c.form (fredvd)
  • update z3c.form documentation (get rid of plone.directives.form  which is evil! plone.autoform is the good one!) (fredvd)
  • make plone.versioncheck Python2 and Python3 compatible (pumukel)